Saturday 7 November 2009

Home work

Today, many people use cellphones in the world. Cellphones have become integral tools for our life, to contact with people, to make us enjoyable and help us in an emergency.

First, cellphones connect our friends and us. If you have a cellphone, you can contact and hear your friends anytime, anywhere. Not only talk with your friends, but also you can enjoy exchanging an e-mail. E-mail is one of the great ways to tell somebody your feeling. Cellphones are used by business people. By cantacting with other poeple quickly, their business is being carried out efficiency.

Second, cellphones are not only just a tool for calling, but also they have many sorts of functions in their small body. For example, you can take a picture and save it on your cellphone. Furthenire, you can listen to music. Moreover, you can use internet on your cellphone and collect infomation what you want to have now. You can search your favorite food, shop instantlly. What a great enjoyable tool it is!

Third, cellphones provide us easily way to solve a problem in an emergency. For instance, when you are involved by accidents, you can tell other people about your condition quicklly. It means you don't have to run and look for a public telephone. You don't have to scream to ask for help. Accidents and disease depend on the time. So if you can call an ambulance quicklly, paradedics will save your life or other's.

In the end, cellphones have become integral tools for our life, you can contact with you friends, family and business people. Cellphones give you enjoyment and save your life.

What do you need to be an adult? In my opinion, to allow to get married, enter the university and get a job make a person an adult.

First, when you become 16 years old, you are allowed to get married. If you re boy, you have to wait until you become 18 years old. That means you are treated as an adult under the low. You can have a partner and family. However, I don't think everyone gets married in age 16-18 years old but once you have a family even though you are a girl, you have to be responsible for your family and yourself.

Second, when you enter the university, your life may be changed a little bit because during your age is under 18 years old, your teachers and your parents always takes care of you. You are treated as a child under 18 years old. However after entering the university, you will controll your study, life and future.

Third, when you become 18 years old, you may find work. You don't have to choose to go to the university. You can be a member of society. In a company, there are varieties o people around you .Their generation must be different from yours. They have much more experiences than you. It sounds a bit hard but you can learn many things from them. Being in a society is strict because you are not a student any longer. You are an adult. However, I think it is one of the easiest ways to be an adult.

Finally, to be allowed to get married, enter the university and find a job make a person an adult and more responsible for him/herself.

1 comment:

  1. Hi. I'm Landy.
    I like to read your articles.
    Your English is very fluent.
    And thanks for your comment.
    Let's get hard in English together!
