Friday 23 October 2009

Higher Education

<Cause effect>

Nowadays, almost everyone can enter a university in Japan. This fact indicates that many people have equal opportunities to recieve higher education. If you want to learn economics, you can go to the department of economics or your interest is French, many universities provide you a very good environment to study it or you may go abroad to learn foreign language through a university system or connection between your university and other unversities. It may sound amazing story but there are some problem about it.

Everybody goes to univeristy means that not only students who have proper purpose of entering university, but also students whose purpose of entering university are inpure can take a higher eduction. This fact causes to get down a value of university and higher education. Not everyone studies hard. I don't say the students whose purpose of studying in university are bad but that kind of students sometimes destory an atmosphere which is created by hard working students in the class room.


Do you think you want to recieve a higher education? Or you shoud get a job as soon as possible? Actually, I think both of them have a good aspect and bad aspect.
First of all, Higher education especially a education at universities usually high and makes students kowledgeable, smart and provide enjoyable life with the classmates. It must be a great time because you leanrn what you are interested in and also you can build a good relationship between you and your classmates. However, studying at the university is very compfortable for tudents because they are quite freedom, they can make their schedule, do a part time job. Also paresnts are responsible for them. They should not be responsible so much.

Secondly, getting a job and earn money by ourselves is also great. You can be a member of society and more responsible for what you behave. Even though, you are not so smart, you can grow as a member of society much more quickly than university students. Higher education does not always make a person great as a human.
However, education is integral for people. If a person doesn't have any skills, knowledge, intersts, you can't survive in today's world no matter you become a member of society.


It is general for people in Japan to recieve a higher education. Many poeple are motivated to learn what they are interested in. There are many kinds of field and departments in the university. Let me talk about the department of education as an example. The department of education is divided into three differesnt fields in my university.
In the department of English education, not only you can improve your English ability, but also teachears teaches us what the best way of teaching English is.
In the department of Children's education, you have many opportunity to communicate with kids. Students study several subjects, practice to play the piano.
Finally, in the department of soial welfare, students also learn several subjects. And then, they go out and volunteer for elderly people and disabled children.

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