Sunday 20 December 2009


Taiwan is not really huge country on the map. Japan is also a small country. However, I have been living in Taiwan since September. Now, I think that Taiwan is not small place. Let me talk about my feeling about Taiwan.

Last Saturday, I visited Taipei with my Taiwanese friend. I have been really wanted to see Taipei101 and any other interesting places. First, we went to Long Shan Si temple and I experienced traditional Taiwanese style of praying to god. There were several kinds of god in the Temple. The way to pray was very different from Japanese one. Furthermore, I thought Taiwanese decoration of temple was very beautiful and looked so energetic. Our Japanese temples were designed very simply. After we left the temple, we went to Ding Tai Fung and ate Xiao Long Pao. This restaurant is very famous and popular among many people from outside of Taiwan. We have same restaurants in Japan but that was my first time to eat Ding Tai Fung’s dishes. Interestingly, there were a lot of Japanese tourists in front of the restaurant and waiting until their number were called. They looked so excited and happy.

After we had lunch at Ding Tai Fung, we went to Taipei101 and reached to the observation desk. Unfortunately, it was cloudy and rainy in the afternoon so I actually couldn’t see the beautiful view around Taipei city. Next time, I want to see it.

Finally we visited Xi Men Di. I bought pretty short boots and some pictures and goods of DBSK. It was very crowded but I enjoyed this day very much.

In the end, we arrived Providence University at 10:30. I was very tired but I had a really good time. Taiwan is not a small place. It has many amazing aspects and much huger place than I had expected before.

Friday 11 December 2009

Love & Dreams

< About Love >
What is love for you? Is it the special feeling for your friends, lovers or family? People can’t live without love. Everyone usually loves someone or something important for him or her. Today I’ll focus on the love for lovers. As for me, I consider that love is a bridge between person and person to build basic human relationships. I have a reason to prove it.

I think that to love is equal to be considerate. For example, if you fall in love with somebody you meet, you will think about him or her. You will care about the person, what the best thing for him or her is, you want to make the person smile and happy. Furthermore, in case you and your lover love each other, of course you are considerate each other and can trust each other because you love each other. Human’s basic relationship is made up with the feeling which considerate other people. That can be love.

As a result, I don’t think that people can live without love. You love someone and you are loved by someone. Your relationship is basically built by love. It is can be a bridge between you and somebody you love or loved.

< About dreams >
Do you have a dream? I do. Since I was born on the earth, I have been dreaming many things even still now. Actually the dream I dreamed and the dream I dream now is totally different. Now I am 20 years old and some of my desires have already come true.

When I was an low teenager, I have some things that I want to do when I am be an adult, For example, I was really interested in making up and cosmetic good but at that time, I didn’t have enough money to buy them and besides, my mother never allowed me to make up. However, now I am making up every day and I often go to the cosmetics shop and buy them. It is enjoyable for me to choose color of cosmetics and look for new cosmetics.
Secondly, I have wanted to go abroad to study English. Finally I got chance to come to the Providence University to study English and Chinese. My desire turned to be real. However, what about my dream? My dream is to be an interpreter and work for International Company. It must be hard way and I need to concentrate on studying language and get number of knowledge. My dream needs long time and more efforts to be a real. The desire is easier to come true than dream does.

In the end, I consider that dream and desire looks alike but actually they are different. Desires need less longer time to make it real but dream doesn’t. The desire is short term goal and realistic but dream is long term goal and sometimes we can’t carry it on. So then, shouldn’t we dream anything? Should we see more realistic desire? Because dream is not always come true. No! Everybody has a right to dream and dream is an integral things. Why? The answer is simple. Dreaming is fun and it is much more fun for us to spend our daily life.

Saturday 14 November 2009

Why are people attending the university?

Many people attend the university or college for different reasons. I consider that people go to the university or college to get a degree for their career, increase knowledge for expanding their interests and experience new things.

Today, some people believe that no matter you have a degree or not, you can get a job if you have a special skill and ability of communication with other people. That's true. Some companies don't pay attention to the degree. However, most companies especially major companies still think that the dgree is important because it prove that you studied and you are sophisticated and educated person. I think that's one of the reason why people attend the university or college.

Secondly, people choose to go to the university to increase their knowledge. Each person have own field, interest of course. University provide you varieties of knowledge. For example, university give you many opportunities to leanrn on a specialized field. Your knowledge can be expanding more and more.

People attend the university or college to have a lot of new experiences. For them, it may be a first time to live without familiy. Also you can meet many new people from different places and join the circle and club activities. Your relationship with other people becomes better and better.
Furthemore, you can get a chance to perticipate in the internship. You can experience the real job before your guraduation. It also can be a preparation for your future.

Universities and colleges provide you degree and numbers of knowledge. Also they give you good environment to experience new things. As a result, I think many people attend the university and college because they have these reasons.

Saturday 7 November 2009

Home work

Today, many people use cellphones in the world. Cellphones have become integral tools for our life, to contact with people, to make us enjoyable and help us in an emergency.

First, cellphones connect our friends and us. If you have a cellphone, you can contact and hear your friends anytime, anywhere. Not only talk with your friends, but also you can enjoy exchanging an e-mail. E-mail is one of the great ways to tell somebody your feeling. Cellphones are used by business people. By cantacting with other poeple quickly, their business is being carried out efficiency.

Second, cellphones are not only just a tool for calling, but also they have many sorts of functions in their small body. For example, you can take a picture and save it on your cellphone. Furthenire, you can listen to music. Moreover, you can use internet on your cellphone and collect infomation what you want to have now. You can search your favorite food, shop instantlly. What a great enjoyable tool it is!

Third, cellphones provide us easily way to solve a problem in an emergency. For instance, when you are involved by accidents, you can tell other people about your condition quicklly. It means you don't have to run and look for a public telephone. You don't have to scream to ask for help. Accidents and disease depend on the time. So if you can call an ambulance quicklly, paradedics will save your life or other's.

In the end, cellphones have become integral tools for our life, you can contact with you friends, family and business people. Cellphones give you enjoyment and save your life.

What do you need to be an adult? In my opinion, to allow to get married, enter the university and get a job make a person an adult.

First, when you become 16 years old, you are allowed to get married. If you re boy, you have to wait until you become 18 years old. That means you are treated as an adult under the low. You can have a partner and family. However, I don't think everyone gets married in age 16-18 years old but once you have a family even though you are a girl, you have to be responsible for your family and yourself.

Second, when you enter the university, your life may be changed a little bit because during your age is under 18 years old, your teachers and your parents always takes care of you. You are treated as a child under 18 years old. However after entering the university, you will controll your study, life and future.

Third, when you become 18 years old, you may find work. You don't have to choose to go to the university. You can be a member of society. In a company, there are varieties o people around you .Their generation must be different from yours. They have much more experiences than you. It sounds a bit hard but you can learn many things from them. Being in a society is strict because you are not a student any longer. You are an adult. However, I think it is one of the easiest ways to be an adult.

Finally, to be allowed to get married, enter the university and find a job make a person an adult and more responsible for him/herself.

Friday 23 October 2009

Higher Education

<Cause effect>

Nowadays, almost everyone can enter a university in Japan. This fact indicates that many people have equal opportunities to recieve higher education. If you want to learn economics, you can go to the department of economics or your interest is French, many universities provide you a very good environment to study it or you may go abroad to learn foreign language through a university system or connection between your university and other unversities. It may sound amazing story but there are some problem about it.

Everybody goes to univeristy means that not only students who have proper purpose of entering university, but also students whose purpose of entering university are inpure can take a higher eduction. This fact causes to get down a value of university and higher education. Not everyone studies hard. I don't say the students whose purpose of studying in university are bad but that kind of students sometimes destory an atmosphere which is created by hard working students in the class room.


Do you think you want to recieve a higher education? Or you shoud get a job as soon as possible? Actually, I think both of them have a good aspect and bad aspect.
First of all, Higher education especially a education at universities usually high and makes students kowledgeable, smart and provide enjoyable life with the classmates. It must be a great time because you leanrn what you are interested in and also you can build a good relationship between you and your classmates. However, studying at the university is very compfortable for tudents because they are quite freedom, they can make their schedule, do a part time job. Also paresnts are responsible for them. They should not be responsible so much.

Secondly, getting a job and earn money by ourselves is also great. You can be a member of society and more responsible for what you behave. Even though, you are not so smart, you can grow as a member of society much more quickly than university students. Higher education does not always make a person great as a human.
However, education is integral for people. If a person doesn't have any skills, knowledge, intersts, you can't survive in today's world no matter you become a member of society.


It is general for people in Japan to recieve a higher education. Many poeple are motivated to learn what they are interested in. There are many kinds of field and departments in the university. Let me talk about the department of education as an example. The department of education is divided into three differesnt fields in my university.
In the department of English education, not only you can improve your English ability, but also teachears teaches us what the best way of teaching English is.
In the department of Children's education, you have many opportunity to communicate with kids. Students study several subjects, practice to play the piano.
Finally, in the department of soial welfare, students also learn several subjects. And then, they go out and volunteer for elderly people and disabled children.

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Learn to write English well, how we can learn English well.

Learning English is not easy work. Sometimes we are in trouble when we study it. So then, how can we learn English well? How can we learn to write it well? Now, I have mainly three ideas about it.

First of all, We need to focus on proper grammar before we start writing English. Studying grammar may sound boring and make us sleepy on the desk. Ofcourse, reading grammar book on the desk is not fun. So what should we do? I think it is important to have positive thinking for study grammar. I don't think my English grammar is very good and completely right. However, once we learn a new grammar, we can remember new phrases or expression when we write in English. That must help us when we write or communicate in English. We can just develop our ability little by little. Proper English grammar makes proper English writing. They all are conncted together.

Secondly, let me talk about my style of learning English. Since I was junior high school student, I have had my way of studying English. When I remeber or study new words, new grammar or something, first I write a sentence or new word on the paper, and then I speak out with big voice. And my voice comes to my ears. I do this work at the same time. According to my English teacher who is Canadian, hearing our own voice when we try to remember something is one of the best way to remeber and it is very efficiency way.

Finally, what the most intergral is to a passion for English. I love English. This feeling is very important to learn English. If I am passionate or motivated to learn English, my skill will be improved. When I found it develop my skill, I'm happy and it would be fun to study English. Then, I hope to improve my skill more and more, I will be very motivated for my study. Also working hard is great but I don't think I have to think about English all the time. Just relax and being optimistic. The material for studying English, anything is OK. For example, film, novel and also a textbook. How we can learn to write Enliglish well and learn English depends on How much I am passionate amd love English.

Friday 9 October 2009

The summary of Song for Megumi

Situation: The worldwide famous American singer,Paul Stookey sings about one Japanese girl who was abducted by North Korea in Nigata prefecture, Japan in 1977. In the song"Song for Megumi", He speaks to everyone's heart instead if Megumi's mother Sakie Yokota.

Conflict: Megumi's mother,Sakie loves Megumi from bottom of the heart. She is dying to see Megumi and wants to let Megumi go home because Megumi was abducted when she was only 13 years old. Megumi was dissapeared in front of her susuddenly without saying anything. No time to say good-bye,no word to be spoken. Sakie's heart influences whole this song.

Struggle: Sakie speaks to Megumi even through she doesn't know where Megumi is alive in. She believes that Megumi is definitely still alive and returns from North Korea. Megumi's dream was broken, so Sakie is sad.

Outcome: Finally, she speaks to Megumi to go home again. Sakie believes that her voice and desire will be sent to Megumi's heart and lead her home. She has a strong desire, temper and sadness at the same time.

Meaning: I think that this song has strong power to speak to my heart about Megumi. I know her circumstance on TV news and I have given presentation about her at Japanese university before. If the important person dissapear or be abducted by somebody who I don't know, I will be panic and feel as if I lost everything on my life. However, this song includes both Sakie's anger about the abduction and desire for Megumi. The most important thing is to believe ourselves,have a desire in our mind even if there seems to be no hope.

Monday 21 September 2009

Talk about myself

My name is Nana Utsumi and I am an exchange student from Kansai University of International Studies, Japan. My goal of this writing course is to develop my writing ability and to be able to write in English academically. Also I would like to improve my TOEFL score. So in this class, I will put all of my energy for writing and get along with my classmates.

Let me talk about my goal of life. I want to develop my English and Chinese skill and master at least two different languages. I know it is not easy for me to achieve this goal. In fact I have a Chinese language problem. I can't speak it well so far because pronounciation is very difficult and letter is so complicated but I never give up to be a good speaker of Chinese.

My dream is to be an interpreter. I want to be a person who can unit people between different culture. I love speaking English and I'm willing to make my language skill use of my job after I graduate university. In my Japanese university, I'm belonging to the Department of English Education. In my departmet, there is distinctive rule. It is S.E.O. That stands for Speak English Only. Wherever I am, I should speak English with my friends in the department. Now I am in Taiwan. I really think that I wish I could speak Chinese. If I can, I can communicate and make friends with more people in Providence. So I'll pranctice Chinese and English. As long I keep practicing, I believe I will be able to speak Chinese.

Finally, this is my first time to come to Taiwan. At first, I was a bit anxious because I got to this country alone and have a language problem but I've wanted to visit Taiwan for a long time. I love Taiwanese people, food and TV drama. People in Taiwan and Providence are so friendly. As long as I can't speak Chinese, English always helps me to communicate with other students. I appreciate English. Recently I have been trying new things like a food. I have tried stinky tofu. It is very new taste for me especially the smell is so strong.

By the way, I think Taiwanese dish is big to eat. Taiwanese people eat a lot but they are so slender. Why? Anyway I always taking courses alone because other Japanese exchange students have different major. Howver it's great because I can make lots of friends in Providence. Some of my friends are in the out side of Japan. They are also exchangestudents. Two of them are in Thailand, another two friends are in Korean. One friend are in China. Furthemore other friends are going to Thailand and Phillipine to studey English. Studying abroad is very precious and amazing time for me.