Friday 1 January 2010

My new year resolutions in 2010.

2010 has come. Our feeling must be new. As for me, it has passed about 3 months since I came to Taiwan. I have already accustomed to the thing in Taiwan, for example when I came here at the first time, food’s taste and people’s personality are very different from our Japanese culture. They sometimes made me surprise, anxious and stressful. However, one day I realized that every culture and person cannot be same. I always compared my culture and Taiwanese culture unconsciously. Since then, I could get used and accept the different culture step by step.
So it is up to me that if 2010 becomes a great year or not. There are some resolutions that I made.

First one is to challenge to do as many as possible. Actually my personality is not very active. So it was a quite hard for me to make a decision for study abroad. Even though being in Providence University, when somebody asks me to try to do something, I still hesitate. Therefore I feel many opportunities run away from me. So not to miss any chances, I will challenge and say “yes” form many things I can.

Second one is to keep my room clean. You may think this is not really resolution but it is. To tell the truth, my room is not clean at all because I don’t like cleaning. When I was in Japan, I lived with my family. My mother likes a tidy room so she ordered me to clean my room every weekend. However, there is no one who let me clean my room in Taiwan because I come here by myself. As long as I am lazy, my mom feels sad and my room is getting dirtier and dirtier. So I will clean my room every weekend.

The last one is to save money. As I told you before, I live alone (means live without family.) No one stops me to spend money. I like shopping, cloths, and cosmetics. They are not really cheap. Of course, products in Taiwan are much cheaper than in Japan but buying many cheap things finally will become a great damage for my pocket. So I will buy something which is really necessary for me and save money.

In the end, I don’t know I can achieve all resolutions but the most terrible enemy to my resolutions is me. So I will not spoil me and enjoy achieving my goal. So to challenge as many as possible, keep my room clean and save money are my resolution in 2010.

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