Sunday 20 December 2009


Taiwan is not really huge country on the map. Japan is also a small country. However, I have been living in Taiwan since September. Now, I think that Taiwan is not small place. Let me talk about my feeling about Taiwan.

Last Saturday, I visited Taipei with my Taiwanese friend. I have been really wanted to see Taipei101 and any other interesting places. First, we went to Long Shan Si temple and I experienced traditional Taiwanese style of praying to god. There were several kinds of god in the Temple. The way to pray was very different from Japanese one. Furthermore, I thought Taiwanese decoration of temple was very beautiful and looked so energetic. Our Japanese temples were designed very simply. After we left the temple, we went to Ding Tai Fung and ate Xiao Long Pao. This restaurant is very famous and popular among many people from outside of Taiwan. We have same restaurants in Japan but that was my first time to eat Ding Tai Fung’s dishes. Interestingly, there were a lot of Japanese tourists in front of the restaurant and waiting until their number were called. They looked so excited and happy.

After we had lunch at Ding Tai Fung, we went to Taipei101 and reached to the observation desk. Unfortunately, it was cloudy and rainy in the afternoon so I actually couldn’t see the beautiful view around Taipei city. Next time, I want to see it.

Finally we visited Xi Men Di. I bought pretty short boots and some pictures and goods of DBSK. It was very crowded but I enjoyed this day very much.

In the end, we arrived Providence University at 10:30. I was very tired but I had a really good time. Taiwan is not a small place. It has many amazing aspects and much huger place than I had expected before.

Friday 11 December 2009

Love & Dreams

< About Love >
What is love for you? Is it the special feeling for your friends, lovers or family? People can’t live without love. Everyone usually loves someone or something important for him or her. Today I’ll focus on the love for lovers. As for me, I consider that love is a bridge between person and person to build basic human relationships. I have a reason to prove it.

I think that to love is equal to be considerate. For example, if you fall in love with somebody you meet, you will think about him or her. You will care about the person, what the best thing for him or her is, you want to make the person smile and happy. Furthermore, in case you and your lover love each other, of course you are considerate each other and can trust each other because you love each other. Human’s basic relationship is made up with the feeling which considerate other people. That can be love.

As a result, I don’t think that people can live without love. You love someone and you are loved by someone. Your relationship is basically built by love. It is can be a bridge between you and somebody you love or loved.

< About dreams >
Do you have a dream? I do. Since I was born on the earth, I have been dreaming many things even still now. Actually the dream I dreamed and the dream I dream now is totally different. Now I am 20 years old and some of my desires have already come true.

When I was an low teenager, I have some things that I want to do when I am be an adult, For example, I was really interested in making up and cosmetic good but at that time, I didn’t have enough money to buy them and besides, my mother never allowed me to make up. However, now I am making up every day and I often go to the cosmetics shop and buy them. It is enjoyable for me to choose color of cosmetics and look for new cosmetics.
Secondly, I have wanted to go abroad to study English. Finally I got chance to come to the Providence University to study English and Chinese. My desire turned to be real. However, what about my dream? My dream is to be an interpreter and work for International Company. It must be hard way and I need to concentrate on studying language and get number of knowledge. My dream needs long time and more efforts to be a real. The desire is easier to come true than dream does.

In the end, I consider that dream and desire looks alike but actually they are different. Desires need less longer time to make it real but dream doesn’t. The desire is short term goal and realistic but dream is long term goal and sometimes we can’t carry it on. So then, shouldn’t we dream anything? Should we see more realistic desire? Because dream is not always come true. No! Everybody has a right to dream and dream is an integral things. Why? The answer is simple. Dreaming is fun and it is much more fun for us to spend our daily life.